crispy fried pompano fish seasoned with salt and pepper then deep fried in a garlic infused oil.
A unique Hyderabadi dish battered, deep fried and then tossed in a sauce made with ginger, chillies, yogurt,...
This very popular Indo-Chinese appetizer is made with a spicy and tangy chilly-garlic sauce flavored with ginger...
Shrimp cooked for a long time in a broth made from traditional spices. Then pan sautéed over high heat with...
Mutton cooked for a long time in a broth made from traditional spices. Then pan sautéed over high heat with...
Chicken cooked for a long time in a broth made from traditional spices. Then pan sautéed over high heat with...
A Hot and Spicy Andhra Style style chicken sauteed with fresh ground masalas.
Andhra style dry crispy chicken fry.
Deep-fried spiced chicken tossed with soya sauce based gravy, cooked to perfection.